Future Thinkers Smart Village Land Crowdsearch
This form is here to help with the property search for the Future Thinkers Smart Village.

We are looking for 40-100+ acres in Southers Interior BC, Canada (i.e. Kootenays). With existing structures, power, water, and sewage. Not in ALR & preferably unzoned.

Land search criteria: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rpXy-xI4pN4XJggpoKmXeKSSO4-q6i8rFM4awR533tg

More about the Smart Village: futurethinkers.org/village

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Email *
Your name *
Name or nickname of property (i.e. 100 acres with private lake)
Property region (Our preferred region is the Kootenays, BC, Canada) *
Property address
Acreage (We prefer 40-100+ acres) *
Property zoning  - please provide the exact zoning type (We prefer unzoned) *
Is the property in the ALR? (We prefer no ALR) *
Square footage of main house
Describe any additional buildings on the property (i.e. workshop, barn, cabin, etc)
Price & Terms
Link to property listing or page with additional info *
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