FTP024: David Brin – Building Future Societies with Transparency and Freedom

FTP024 - David Brin Interview - future societies built on transparency and freedom, Future Thinkers Podcast with Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova

Brin’s classic non-fiction book, the Transparent Society, is concerned with the issues of privacy and transparency. Most people want privacy for themselves, yet demand transparency from others - namely, their leaders. Transparency and privacy often end up on the opposite sides of political debates, where we are forced to...

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FTP023: Phil Torres – What Are The Biggest Existential Risks to Humanity?

Existential Risks to Humanity, Phil Torres Interview by Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova on Future Thinkers Podcast

From global climate change to nuclear war, there are many things threatening our existence at any given time. Existential risks are those that endanger the existence of the entire human species. These are threats that can potentially lead to human extinction, or cause irreversible damage to the human civilization.

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FTP013: The Future of Conscious Evolution: Eliminating Discrimination

FTP013 - Us and Them: Can We Consciously Eliminate Our Own Biases and Discrimination?

"We are running on outdated software", "operating cavemen brains in a technologically advanced society". For thousands of years, our environment changed very slowly. Parents and children had more or less the same lives. Now we live in a world of exponential technological chance. Borders are becoming blurry and social groups...

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