FTP013: The Future of Conscious Evolution: Eliminating Discrimination

FTP013 - Us and Them: Can We Consciously Eliminate Our Own Biases and Discrimination?

"We are running on outdated software", "operating cavemen brains in a technologically advanced society". For thousands of years, our environment changed very slowly. Parents and children had more or less the same lives. Now we live in a world of exponential technological chance. Borders are becoming blurry and social groups...

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FTP011: Bitcoin and Blockchain and Basic Income, Oh My!

Future Thinkers Podcast - Episode 11 Bitcoin and Decentralized Platforms. Crypto currency, future of currency, futurology, technology, tech, AI, artificial intelligence, automation, revolution, anti-fragile

In the last 15 years, many industries were turned upside-down by the rise of peer-to-peer technologies for sharing information. Napster changed the face of the music industry. Search engines allowed everyone to find information in an instant. Social media networks allowed us to form virtual tribes and start huge...

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FTP004: Would You Date a Machine?

In this episode of the Future Thinkers Podcast, Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova talk about the Her movie, and the relationships between humans and artificial intelligence.

Science fiction can be awesome for imagining the future. Everybody loves a good story, and movies are one of the best mediums to tell stories. Though sometimes they aren't as scientifically accurate as they could be, movies are still great at visualizing futurist ideas and communicating them in a...

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