Mike and Euvie discuss the concepts of finite and infinite games from the book by James Carse, how to recognize which game we are playing, examples and practical applications in every area of life.
Archive for category: Education
Podcast episodes about education from the Future Thinkers Podcast by Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova
10 Podcasts To Upgrade Your Intelligence and Wisdom

Podcasts have made a major comeback in recent years. With more and more thought leaders, authors, professors, psychologists, and modern day philosophers taking to the mics, we’re not short of thought-provoking content to inject more curiosity and awareness into our everyday lives. Podcasts are an incredibly valuable learning medium....
The 10 Most Mind-Expanding Blogs That Will Change Your Life

Have you ever had your whole worldview shaken? Have you stumbled upon an article, or a video, a note, a comment, an image, that fundamentally changed the way you view yourself or the world? A single moment with such far-reaching ramifications it sounds impossible — until it happens. Pulling...
FTP064: Developing and Practicing Your Self Sovereignty

Mike and Euvie discuss sovereignty of mind, how to test and alter your belief systems, and exercises that will help you build your own self sovereignty.
FTP062, 063: Jordan Greenhall – Deep Code: Learning How To Learn

Jordan Greenhall explains deep code, the cycle of learning, re-examining the assumptions our world rests on, and the criteria for new civilization design.
FTP060, 061: Don Roberto – Ayahuasca and Shamanism

Don Roberto talks about ayahuasca, shamanism, medicinal plants, soul retrieval, and how those relate to modern psychotherapy.
FTP057, 058, 059: Daniel Schmachtenberger – Solving The Generator Functions of Existential Risks

Daniel Schmachtenberger talks about the underlying generator functions of existential risks and how we can solve them.
FTP056: Emmanuel Jal – The Incredible Resilience of The Human Mind

Emmanuel Jal, former child soldier from South Sudan turned musician and activist, talks about mental resilience, sovereignty, and importance of storytelling.
FTP055: David Katz – Solving Plastic Pollution and Alleviating Poverty

David Katz, the founder of The Plastic Bank, talks about turning plastic waste into a currency, alleviating poverty, what it means to have self-sovereignty, and being the creator of your life.
FTP054: Toni Lane Casserly – Paradigm Shifts of Culture and Consciousness

Toni Lane Casserly, the Co-Founder of CoinTelegraph and CULTU.RE, investor, recording artist and the founder of the “immateralism” art movement, talks about cultural and consciousness shifts, how blockchain technology can help advance human rights, and increasing our self sovereignty.